Thursday, January 31, 2008

is it that time already?

Blimey, who would have thought it... you turn your back for five minutes and the whole of January's flashed before your eyes! Almost time for my birthday and a review of where I am and where I am going. Up to the eyes in work at the moment, which is good, but still vital to take stock and plan ahead. Have not been feeling well lately - seem able to sleep anywhere, any time. But now the nights are getting lighter that should change.
News of Jeremy Beadle's death has moved me to tears, a reaction that has taken me by surprise. I think it's because that show Game for a Laugh was ingrained as part of my growing up - it really feels like grieving. What a shame someone who did so much and was pilloried while attracting millions of viewers should slip from us without so much as three cheers or a thank you? Cheers, Beadlebum... thanks for the laughter and more.

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